I watched Forrest Gump the other day, he just kept on running which is a lot like what we've been doing for the last two years, it seemed to work for him which must mean it's going to work for us! Harry even emulated Forrest by running to the sea the other day during the Hoe 10, not sure he ran quite as quick as Forrest but I'm sure he ran back just as fast - just look at the photo, you've gotta be moving quick to sweep your hair back like that. Just imagine how fast Forrest would have run if he'd have had long socks to help him.........
The other picture is me crossing the line at the last Westward league cross country. Now I definately didn't have the speed of Forrest over the last 200m, in fact my leg turnover resembled that of a sloth during my pathetic sprint for the line which saw me go from 1st to 4th rather too quickly, Jim (teamate) even had time to curl up and sleep by the time I'd finished........
On an even more exciting note (yes I know that's hard to believe) it hasn't rained in Tavistock for FOUR days in a row. This might not sound like much but people round these parts don't know what to do when it doesn't rain. The only happy 'people' are the Dartmoor ponies (donkey's if you're Flora) who have finnaly come out from hibernating in the gorse bushes.
On the subject of ponies, they're not very good at dodging snowballs. Sheep on the other hand are an entirely different prospect! We took aim at two ponies on our run last week and scored a direct hit with both - could we hit a sheep... no chance! Evolution has obviously been a lot kinder to them than the pony with regards to snowball dodging!
Bye for now!