It was a little bit like Christmas in the Dibens household as all the kit arrived last week. Everyone should now have all the stuff they ordered. Apologies for the delays. As it's the first time we have done this we didn't quite realise that when the Italians say they are racing to get something done they are actually talking about snail racing! Still we think its awesome kit (apart from the arm warmers which Julie thinks are hideous) Don't worry, Pete and I have over ruled her on this one.
We will get photos of all the stuff up on the web as soon as possible, the Driven To Tri World Domination range now includes.
Bike: Long sleeve and short sleeve jerseys Gilet Shorts, leg warmers arm warmers over shoes gloves, vests.
Run: Vests Triathlon: Race Suits Casual: Hoodies, T.shirts and Beanies Kids: T.shirts
Unfortunatly I managed to rip the bum out of my kit on it's first outing!
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