So there I was, in that surreal place quietly gliding along the beach from Swanage toward Portland when 20 something athletes came pacing the other way .. damn! They'd turned before I could catch them up after shepherding a couple of tired legs homewards .. So, what the hell, the chase is on .. Harry and I picked it up for the return towards Pete and his truck of love .. or jammy dodgers and water! Smooth ocean on the left, firm sand underfoot, and a warm setting sun on the right. Heaven.. it really was in Dorset last Friday evening.
At 7am the following morning we're out on tired 22km legs and spin the coast path before brekkers. Then onto the bikes for a punishing 6 hours or so, knocking the stuffing out of all by the last climb. Nathan .. you owe me buddy! An evening of Italian food, fine wine and doling out the odd massage, everyone's asleep in good time. Sunday and Harry takes a hardy total of 2 for 30 mins around the block before we set off to Wareham for a 2.5 hour road 'race' at pace - a quiet road circuit is the scene of many pained faces trying their best to focus and deliver a good effort. Pop Pop Pop ... Back at the Sports Centre safe and sound (Emma!) and into the pool for a good session .. of 150, 100, 50's increasing with a 400m time trial thrown in for good measure.. Harry solo against Tash solo, against all the other athleles on one team. Well, needless to say, the race was won in just over 4:30. Good going!! Before you know it, we're having a goodbye coffee and swapping sore leg stories, but more importantly thinking about the next camp and how good and strong it will make us all!! Thanks to our Athletes, thanks to Harry, Pete and of course The Brady Monkey, awesome weekend!! For more info click on the Camps tab..
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