Friday, 19 November 2010

An weekend in Dublin with Gav!

As quoted from Gav's website...i'm claiming i've invited him to help me, but lets not split hairs!

Alongside Harry Wiltshire I will be running a Swim Clinic in Dublin on the first weekend of December. The Clinic is now fully booked for Saturday but we are opening up a second day on Sunday December 5th.

I have invited Driven To Tri coach and ITU Professional Harry Wiltshire to assist me in delivering a TRIATHLON SPECIFIC swimming clinic to Irish Triathletes. Harry is widely regarded as one of the finest open water triathlon swimmers on the International Circuit as well as being a Level 3 British Triathlon Coach, Driven to Tri Head Coach and a Performance Development Manger for Triathlon England.

Starting at 10am the day long clinic will be limited to 20 Athletes and will include 2 pool based sessions and theory classes.

Unlike other Swim Clinics we are offering best practice for Triathletes and not Swimmers. Open to atlhetes of all abilities the clinic will have a strong empahsis on ‘triathlon swimming’ and the techniques and practices that athletes can employ to get the best out of their training and indeed racing in 2011.

For more information on attending the Sunday clinic please contact myself
or Harry -
not just practice, Perect Practice

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