Friday, 16 September 2011

from beijing with love...

from beijing with love...

So this much overdue team update comes all the way from Yokohama, Japan. It was meant to come a week earlier from Beijing, but apparently Chinese authorities do not trust the present driventotri blogger to abstain from uttering unspeakables such as ' free tibet', 'tiananmen square' and 'china is a shithole' within the context of its triathlon drivvle. Probably wise. China is a shithole.

So first up on the role of honour is Pete Thacker who contested Ironman Wales last weekend. According to the event tag line the race was held over a 'breathtaking landscape'. According to all reports this was very true. The course was bloody hard. Pete however, charged his way around in 13.09.39. A pretty stellar performance. Congratulations Pete.

Over the border, in the tropical metropolis that is England, Gethin Musk toed the start line of the Big Cow Sprint, finishing 11th in his age group in a time of 1.13.57. Well done Gethin.

A few miles further east, Driventotri coach Non was racing at the ITU World U23 Championships in Beijing and finished 6th. She was pleased that 2 weeks of heat acclimatisation in a 35'C / 70% humidity, heat chamber came in handy. It was cold and it rained. A lot. It's all very well living by the old adage of 'fail to prepare, prepare to fail', but when your preparation turns out to be pretty fruitless then one must assume the 'life's a bitch' mantra. Luckily 'expect the unexpected' is a also a favourite life lesson.

So as September roles out and winter begins to role in, the end of the triathlon season is upon us. Visors and calf guards can re assume their position at the back of the wardrobe, where they probably belong, and the fleece lined bib longs and thermal vests can work their way back into daily attire. To help kick start your training and banish the winter blues we will be running triathlon specific swim clinics throughout October and November. If you think this is something that your tri club would be interested in, please get in touch with Harry on and we can discuss the particulars. We are also in the process of planning other training events and weekends and will let you more details as and when.

That's all for now

Driventotri Coaching team x

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