Tuesday 3 March 2009

It were 'ard

That's what it says on the back of the T-shirt I was given for finishing alive. And on the front, a picture of crazy Wayne.

Wayne Randall is an animal. Not a normal animal, more a machine that keeps the pace high, ably assisted by henchmen fondly referred to as the Barnsley Mafia.
Glancing around occassionally and calling people thru', it seemed that for 2 days we spent our time trying to out maneuovre a photographer and all our support vehicles. If it looked like anyone wanted to stop for a pee, the whip cracked and a funny guy called Dieter with tin foil bar tape accelerated up the road dragging an elastic band of riders behind him.
Just a couple of my observations from the last 2 days .. or 350km, or 10.5 hours of riding.

The Boggle Hole weekender, the official 2009 Planet-X bikes team launch has led to a lot of carbon zipping along great roads, over big hills, gasping for breath, chewing bars and generally not stopping for anything! It was a kind of a 3 way battle betwen the locals, the roadies and the triathletes. I'd like to say we came off best .. but I'd settle for us holding our own! Harry, Pete and myself spent 2 days in this fast group defending our love of water and running .. we've come back smashed but with a true sense of achievement from the miles covered. Plus we ground up the steepest road in Britain - Rosedale Chimney - a 1 in 3, and learnt to cram down croissants and bananas at high speed. Oh yeah .. the new bikes - Planet-X Superlight Pro Carbon's - well I can report that mine goes like a missile (it didn't have a chance to do much else!), and is very comfortbale to boot. Next up is the Big Weekender .. Pete, Jim and Harry get a chance to dish it to their athletes .. be very afraid if one of us wears the red hat!

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